Video Work by Ted Stoffers

The Northwest Hub-Ray

The program director filmed an interview with Ray, who has been served by the Northwest Hub. Recorded on a phone, outside, near traffic and even with a car honk. A 15:50 minute interview. I distilled his experiences down to 3:28 minutes, and cleaned up the sound in Adobe Enhance Speech.

The Northwest Hub-Clive

The program director filmed another interview with Clive who was served by the Northwest Hub. Recorded on a phone, inside. It was a shorter interview, I cleaned the sound in Adobe Enhance Speech

No Agenda Promo

The No Agenda Show (podcast a Parody PSA (in audio) send in by a listener. I was inspired to put video to it. Most images were from Adobe Stock, with a couple from youtube.

Chemeketa Visual Communications Department Student interviews.

2 camera interviews, shot with a classmate (we had the same cameras with quality lenses), final edit by me, with input from the instructor.

Opening for No Agenda 411

"Type In Motion" project synced to the audio opening The No Agenda Podcast episode 411. We were instructed to use little color and focus on the type and the motion, everthing had to made from type. Background image was in illustrator, movement was in After Effects. Learned After Effects in project, since I HATE flash.

Oregon Seasons

Humorous "Type In Motion" project reflecting the weather in NW Oregon. Every item is made from type. No artwork. Some cells and shapes were in Illustrator, movement was done in After Effects.

Deepwood Estate

Documentary on Deepwood Estate. Interview was done by me, my project partner filmed the B Roll. I edited the final project, and found CC music.

What is PKD?

Documentary on PKD, my kidney disease. Interviewed doctor, nurse myself and B-Roll. Found CC music and did final edit.